The Prickly Things Podcast

DACA Fund - 34 Adelitas Sisters Are Paying It Forward

Episode Notes

From growing up in Abuelitas' house with 26 other family members, Atziri remembers the good old days as a college student trying to make ends meet to pay for books. As a DACA recipient, her family, education, and passion for helping her community have led her to create a unique brand known as Adelitas Apparel. Today on the DACA series, Atziri Pena talks about her journey becoming a small business owner and shares about her experience growing up in Los Angeles, California as an undocumented child who has grown into an advoate for our undocu community. Through her DACA fund, the Adelita sisters have found their passion and the best way to pay it forward helping other Latinx and DACA recipients fund their $495 DACA renewals. 

DACA Fund:



Insagram: adelitasapparel

Twitter: adelitasapparel

Other undocu brands to support on Instagram:


